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第18弾は、DB #7 リー・ハイタワーです。
ーーー 2021年シーズンを終えて、率直な感想をお願いします。
I am very disappointed with our season. I know that we have good, talented players and that we can be the best team in the league. We did not live up to our expectations and I am embarrassed and sad that we did not make the playoffs.
ーーー シーズン前「ライズは発展途上のチームだ」という話がありました。2021年シーズンを終えて、今のRISEはどんなチームでしょうか。
I think we took a step back and are now a bad team. We finished in the bottom half of the league and did not make it to playoffs. Our games show that we did not develop into a team that can be competitive against the top teams in our league, and it is time to take a look at what we do and reevaluate how we plan to become a good team. The good news is that we can only go up from this bad place.
訳)私たちは一歩後退して、悪いチームになってしまったと思います。X1Superで 下位に終わり、プレーオフにも進出できませんでした。リーグのトップチームに対抗できるようなチームに成⻑していないことが、試合の結果からわかりました。今こそ、自分たちのやることを見直し、良いチームになるための計画を立て直すべきだと考えています。良いニュースとしては、この悪いところから上昇するしかないということです。
ーーー 1番印象に残っているゲーム(またはプレー)を教えてください。
The last drive of the IBM game is the most memorable to me because it effectively knocked us out of playoffs and ended our season. Though our defense had good moments this year, when we needed to be at our best and make it into playoffs, we failed. As the defensive captain I am embarrassed and ashamed that we could not stop IBM from scoring at the end of the game.
ーーー RISEが今抱える課題は何でしょうか。
As a team, there are 3 big problems that I want to see us fix next year. First, we must develop an aggressive mindset and focus on being dominant against every opponent and not just the weaker teams. Our motto is fearless, but I feel both coaches and players have fear when we play against Panasonic, Fujitsu, and Obic.
Next, we all must develop a better understanding of football. Football is a mental game as much as it is a physical game, and our football intelligence is bad as a team.
Lastly, we must understand the difference between talent and skill. While talent is something you cannot change, we can do better to develop football skills as coaches and players by practicing better. This will not only help us now, but will be important in developing newcomers to the rise for years to come, and ensure that we are always a top team in the x league.
ーーー さいごに、応援してくださるファンの方へメッセージをお願いします。
To the fans, I am very grateful and appreciative of all of your support. Many of you have seen me grow over these past four years, and I am happy to see familiar faces. I wish we could interact more, but the covid 19 pandemic has made it difficult. I will continue to learn Japanese and I hope that you all will follow me on social media, so that we can interact more and get to know each other. I am ashamed and embarrassed at our performance this year, but I am also inspired to continue to improve myself, our players, and our coaches so that this is the last disappointing year that we will experience. The sun will rise again!
訳)ファンのみなさん、いつも応援してくださり、本当にありがとうございます。 この4年間、私の成⻑を見守ってくださった方も多く、みなさんに出会えて嬉しいです。
【RISE LETTER:The Sun Also Rises. #1】HC城ヶ滝一朗 はこちら
【RISE LETTER:The Sun Also Rises. #2】幹部対談-前編 はこちら
【RISE LETTER:The Sun Also Rises. #2】幹部対談-後編 はこちら
【RISE LETTER:The Sun Also Rises. #3】ルーキー対談-前編 はこちら
【RISE LETTER:The Sun Also Rises. #3】ルーキー対談-後編 はこちら
【RISE LETTER:The Sun Also Rises. #4】畑DCインタビュー はこちら
【RISE LETTER:The Sun Also Rises. #5】上京組対談 はこちら
【RISE LETTER:The Sun Also Rises. #6】伊藤OCインタビュー はこちら
【RISE LETTER:The Sun Also Rises. #7】LB#5田中喜貴インタビュー はこちら
【RISE LETTER:The Sun Also Rises. #8】宮田QBコーチインタビュー はこちら
【RISE LETTER:The Sun Also Rises. #9】同期対談 はこちら
【RISE LETTER:The Sun Also Rises. #10】前田WRコーチインタビュー はこちら
【RISE LETTER:The Sun Also Rises. #11】RB対談 はこちら
【RISE LETTER:The Sun Also Rises. #12】秋山DBコーチインタビュー はこちら
【RISE LETTER:The Sun Also Rises. #13】DL#90伊倉良太インタビュー はこちら
【RISE LETTER:The Sun Also Rises. #14】東松RBコーチインタビュー はこちら
【RISE LETTER:The Sun Also Rises. #15】QB#6カート・パランデック インタビュー はこちら
【RISE LETTER:The Sun Also Rises. #16】湯河STコーディネーター インタビュー はこちら
【RISE LETTER:The Sun Also Rises. #17】WR#85八木雄平 インタビュー はこちら
【RISE LETTER:The Sun Also Rises. #19】OL#78笠井英治 インタビュー はこちら